Monday, March 21, 2011


OBSESSION. I am not talking about the fragrance, although my sister probably still has some. Yes, is this true sis?

No, I am talking about my right hand gal...i am totally obsessed with her. She already has so much personality. She makes me laugh all day. Even when she lets out that "i'm annoyed" cry after eating...I have to laugh (is that bad?).

She has always had a liking to Raffi, as we call it (hence the name for one of the covers) and so today I decided to get her a new giraffe family member. Sophie. Perhaps you have heard of her? She come all the way from France. My friend Maren tipped me off to this magical teething toy, so since we had a bit of a rough teething day this past decided it was time for Sophie the giraffe.

One problem. Sophie squeaks....and Karl (our dog) follows. As you can see in the last photo, Karl seems to dropped off his rubber chicken perhaps as a decoy so he can steal this new Sophie character...

I hope Sophie can survive in this house.

1 comment:

  1. BAHAHAHAHAHAH. I love this! Sophie is awesome. I'm glad we inspired Nina's newest obsession...And Karl's too!
